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What is DataHub?

DataHub is a modern data catalog built to enable end-to-end data discovery, data observability, and data governance.

This extensible metadata platform is built for developers to tame the complexity of their rapidly evolving data ecosystems and for data practitioners to leverage the total value of data within their organization.

Key Features

Unified Data Management

DataHub provides a comprehensive approach to data discovery, data governance, and data quality control.

Data discovery - Search your entire data ecosystem, including dashboards, datasets, ML models, and raw files. Explore your data with context using tags, domains, glossaries, and query usages. Trace and visualize the lineage of your data to understand its origins and destinations.

Data governance - Define ownership and track personally identifiable information (PII).

Data quality control - Improve data quality through metadata tests, assertions, data freshness checks, and data contracts.

User-Friendly Interface for Everyone

DataHub is designed to cater to both business and technical users, providing a flexible and user-friendly interface.

UI-based ingestion - Easily set up integrations in minutes using DataHub's intuitive UI-based ingestion feature.

APIs and SDKs - For users who prefer programmatic control, DataHub offers a comprehensive set of APIs and SDKs. Anything you can accomplish through the UI can also be achieved using our APIs.

Vibrant Open Source Community

DataHub is built on an open-source community and relies on collaboration within the community. We regularly release updates every two weeks to ensure that the platform continuously evolves and adapts to meet your changing needs. Our community provides support through office hours, workshops, and a Slack channel.

How does it work?


To get started with DataHub, you can use a simple CLI command. Alternatively, you can deploy the instance to production using Docker or Helm charts.


DataHub Supports Ingestion by UI and CLI.

Join the Community

For additional information and assistance, feel free to visit one of these channels!